Mysterium tremendum
These days (February-March) I've been doing some things that have forced me to walk a step back and see the soil down my feet. And what I'd been seeing was a void, the very void I've been anounced in some of my favorite readings. I don't want to talk about all these stories at once, it's better for me to take my time and tell one story at a time.By now, it's enough to say that I was feeling the same fear I felt when I was a child, the fear to the unknown things under the bed or in the middle of darkness. If you think in child fear, the whole matter may seem unproblematic, "those things have passed and now you're big", you can say. But I've learned a lot from this fear, feeling the same these days. And it's about that learning that I want to talk.
Next time I'm going to tell you what I experienced watching Brokeback Mountain (I'd not watched it till this year in February). A strange turn of events, eh? What relation is between the childish fear to darkness and two cowboy men who fell in love with each other? I hope I can make it clear soon...
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