Monday, March 05, 2007


"El Tiempo", the most important newspaper in Colombia, wrote yesterday that Gabriel García Márquez, the only Colombian who has been awarded with the Nobel Prize, was going to celebrate four anniversaries at the same time: his 80th birthday, 60 years since his first tale was published, 25 since Nobel Prize and 40 years since the first edition of "Cien Años de Soledad" (One Hundred Years of Solitude). Yesterday in Madrid, there was an uninterrupted reading of this book, his most important work, as a homage to him, the most important novelist in Colombian history, and one of the most influential in Latin American literature.

Well, things like this are usual in this world without gods. We, wretched citizens of the postmodern society, have to worship mortals -pretending they're not-, there not being something better.



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