Monday, December 31, 2007

A Happy New Year for everybody around.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

I will never forget

Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007). Dead in a country who needed more people like her, not less.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thus a god has spoken

Un gran día señor
Este día que lo he visto
Rozagante y hermoso
Como siempre, señor.

Un gran día señor
En que me ha deleitado
En que me ha embrujado
Como nunca, señor.

Pero, oh triste dolor
Necio mal corrosivo
Que me borra la risa
Por faltarme su amor.

Mas el mío no le falta
Esté usted convencido
Aunque nada nos sirve
Que lo ame, señor.


Saturday, December 15, 2007


Finally, I've got some days off work. I was really needing them to do something different, to write and think, walk. Nice, but on the other hand, how am I supposed to get money this month?


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Who's the man in the record from?

A simple question, a simple answer. Where's the guy in the record from? Or at least, where does he seem like being from? I'll expect for your answers.

Open here (wma format)


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Recent issues

I've been getting tired of work somehow, though I still like it. Having 36 hours a week and the uneasy sensation that I'm not earning enough for my projects, feeling more and more strongly the need to share thousands of things with the world and going back to philosophical matters, seeing how languages turn up to be not mere hobbies but indispensable food for my soul, I can't feel but impatience to turn the next page. Even though, there's still enough patience to go on until December 15th.
The problem is where to get money from then on. I'll be one month off work. That means more time for myself, but also less money to get. I'll find out that patience is a quality that should endure forever. So as persistence.