Monday, September 11, 2006

Two towers

Five years later, we remember again for the nth time. The world was going to change and up till now we can't be sure it was for good. I can see again the horror of innocents through TV screens, their desperate efforts to save their lives; and then the two proud towers, deadly hurt, falling on the proud city of New York. The vengeful devil had said he was going to do it, and so he did.

Just one or two hours (less time?) after the first crash, there were special issues of newspapers in the streets released for the sole purpose of reporting that event. In my university, the furious radical leftists (fortunately not all leftists are so radical), students as me, announced it as a victory against imperialism. They had been preparing some molotov bombs for a riot on campus to 'welcome' some important US political figure arriving to my country that day; but, given the news, they decided to make the riot for celebration. Oh, what a terrible hate.

The crash was enough motive for almost all governments around the world to support USA initiative to defeat the Taleban regime in Afghanistan militarily. And many people understood. Terrorism was going to be understood in a different way.

These are the effects of hate and fear. Two countries were invaded and the only results are more innocent victims and more opportunity for hate seeds to grow. The tragedy didn't end that day, the tragedy didn't begin that day. More devils will arise and more children will be offered in sacrifice.


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